May 1, 2009

May, 1st!!!

I can't say that have some special feelings to "Pervomay", the Labour Day. But I do have some special feelings to this day, because it is the first day of MAY!!! 9 days till my birthday :) I've already invited my friends, and now, while they are looking for birthday presents to me, I have time to think over what I want to do next my year :)

I will be 25. Ok, what I want?
It seems this year I do not have any particular plan... Last year I was sure that I will visit Vladivostok in October, now I am even not sure when we finally will move into the new house...
  1. I want to be able to speak and read Japanese.
  2. I want to care more about my health.
  3. I want to restore my wushu trainings.
  4. I want to restore my figure skating trainings.
  5. I want to relearn to play the piano (yes, I've totally forgotten how to do it!).
  6. I want to become advanced speaker of English.
  7. I want to start learning Bashkirian.
I want to have Hermione's time-turner!

Ok, it is the list of my wishes. But... Am I going to do all these stuff really? :) If in one year I say "Oh, I have done 2 of 7", it really will be great. :)))

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